Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jack's 5th bday

Jack is 5 today and it is hard to believe!!! It just seems like yesterday that after 15 hours of labor that included 2 hrs of pushing, I was looking at my new baby boy. It feels like I blinked and now he is this big boy. We had an awesome day today!! I woke Jack up with breakfast in bed. It was his favorite blueberry pancakes with a small amount of syrup and bacon. We played with his different toys for awhile and then we ventured out. We were able to eat lunch at our restaurant, spend time with both sets of grandparents, go to rite aid to get his favorite cars, and go to the Sullivan's for a mini play date. We had cake and presents at our house after dinner and then Jack played some more. Overall, I think his bday was a success. He is having one more celebration at my parents house this Sunday!


Kelly Dahl said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!!! Hope you had a great day!!!

Love, Kelly and Cooper

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That picture of Jack crashed is just precious!