Sunday, January 20, 2008

Veggie Update

thank you all for your suggestions in the veggie department. I broke out my juicer the other day and decided to try carrot/apple/orange juice on Jack. I juiced the carrots before he came in the kitchen and as he walked in was putting the orange in the juicer. He immediately wanted to help so we juiced together. He was so excited that he drank his juice right up. Now, I need to get some good recipes for veg/fruit combos. Anyone have any suggestions to offer? I am still serving veggies on his plate every night. I will win this battle!!!!

1 comment:

Kelly Dahl said...

i wouldn't worry so much about the veggie thing. for the most part, any nutrients that are in fruits are also in veggies, so it is very unlikely that jack is "missing" anything. keep offering, but try not to make such a big deal out of it. he will come around when he is ready. for now, just keep the healthy options there for him, and give him a vitamin if ou are really worried. most kids aren't good about eating veggies, and aren't really worse off for it, in my opinion.